ILU History


The first ILU, now known as ILU Kenya, started in 1981 as the Nairobi International School of Theology (NIST). It is based in Nairobi, Kenya.

ILU Zimbabwe was established in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1999 as the Africa Leadership and Management Academy (ALMA).

ILU Nigeria was opened in 2002 in Lagos, Nigeria, known initially as the Africa Center for Theological Studies (ACTS).

ILU Burundi was officially launched in 2011 in Bujumbura, in response to a request from the President of Burundi for an institution that will provide on-going leadership development for government, business and church leaders similar to the ILF model.

Additional ILU sites have since opened in Ghana, Cameroon, DR Congo, and Ethiopia.

The long-term plan is to have ILU sites in 20 African countries. This will make ILU the leading leadership development institution in Africa, and ensure a strong biblical and theological foundation for the church in Africa.

The accelerated Christian growth in Africa can only be consolidated with lasting impact if deep biblical and theological thinkers, and effective practitioners in missions are developed and engaged to ensure relevant Christian witness and Christ-centered transformation in every sphere of society.


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